Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bible Study of Book of Romans

In our mission of San Agustin, some leaders from “Cristo Por Su Mundo” have come to help us teach a study on the Book of Romans. In truth this has been a wonderful blessing with this study. This will help the believers to grow strong in the Lord. They are also teaching this course in our La Cruzacita main church. This has freed Pastor Damian to go to the mountains to work with the new missions there.
 Damian’s son Chalo desires to return to Oaxaca and take another class in Evangelism, so he can be of more help to his dad in the many ministries God has given them.
Monday morning Pastor Damian called needing additional funds to buy even more Bibles for the Copalita mission, where he is teaching a new believers class in the afternoon.  He returns Tuesday to the mountains and more Bibles are needed there. Plus he needed gas money for the truck.

 I had to inform him there wasn’t sufficient money to send him yesterday but I said to him, "let’s pray and if God desires you to proceed,  He will send the money, today." I told him to call me back later even though he was already in the town where he can purchase the Bibles. So we prayed. Then I had to leave it up to the Lord to supply.

Well, only a short time elapsed when our gal, who deposits the checks that come in for Agape Missions, called to say she was making a deposit. Oh my, That helped cover the cost and other needs to. Isn’t God good!! I called Damian while he was still in that area and he was extremely happy to see how God handles our needs in His way and His timing…

It’s easy to get caught up in today’s economic panic but “They that wait upon the Lord” well… He takes care of. Sometimes I’m just amazed but I shouldn’t be as He has never, never failed to take care of the needs. Yes we have had to cut way back but not where it counts the most. 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Mission San Francisco Loxicha

Dear Brothers and sisters,

This is one of my reports of the last two weeks that we made into the mountains. We came to San Francisco Loxicha. This is a beautiful work here and we had a wonderful time with God, preaching the Kingdom of God and praying for all that were sick and suffering.
We prayed for a lady called Petra, that had a strong hemorrhage but thanks be to God she is now healed.  This lady of forty five years was the helper to the Catholic priest in this pueblo for many years. Thanks to God for the miracle of her healing, for now all of her family have accepted Christ as their Savior.

We also prayed for the daughter of Petra who has an open wound on her foot. We believe that she will soon be healed. She also has found Christ.

Your friend and brother, Damian Cruz