Thursday, February 23, 2012

Workshops and Conferences

So  much to do today before I head down to the valley. This weekend I will be  attending a workshop so I can be certified to teach Precept upon Precept Bible studies. They have Spanish material I can then obtain so I can train leaders in  our Mexico ministry. I have been using this method for my personal Bible  Study  for many years.
   But  also today Pastor Damian, along with 7 vehicles loaded, are heading up the  mountain (over three hour drive) to San  Jeronimo for a filled day of conferences. 
   Rosa his wife will oversee the women’s conferences and Pastor Damian will have a men’s conference also. I sent Agape mission money  down to help with the expenses of gasoline for the vehicles and to help on the  food they will serve.
San Jeronimo is one of our newer missions where over 90% of the people are new  believers. They need good biblical teaching. This mission is about 7 months old  and running around 50 people each week.
They  are having services every Thursday on the patio of one of the believers. Pray  it won’t rain today. The rainy season has started and as of now they only have  tarps to keep them dry. We need to put up a laminated roof like we have in some  of our other missions to keep them dry. We need to do this right away as they  have already entered the rainy season. Since this is at the home of a family  they will also build this so it can be disassembled and set up in another  location as needed.
   Earlier  this month Damian’s son and his music team were invited to Mitla, Oaxaca where  there is a Christian radio station called the Zapoteca station. They were  celebrating their first year with this station. While there Chalo and his group  recorded a couple of songs they composed and were able to sell them. They even  were asked for their autographs.  They  then accepted invitations to sing in a couple of churches in Oaxaca City before  returning to the coast. They give God all the glory!!!
        Garett  Jackson contacted me to let us know that Pastor Israel is doing so much better and  starting to gain a little weight. His kidneys were working at only 40%. Continue to pray for his complete healing.
I just thank God because with all our growth for the Lord and with expenses for  the mission and our vehicles rising God has been supplying miraculously.   Sometimes the money comes in at the 12th hour but HE is always  faithful to meet the need. Thanks to many of you who have listened when God  laid it on your heart to give.
    Do  continue to pray for my energy level. I feel I am doing soooo much better but God seems to want me to go slowly (not my nature LOL).
I  love you all. Blessings!!