Friday, June 29, 2012

Hurricane Carlotte

Posted by PicasaDamian’s “Nehemiah Project”
Earlier this month of June hurricane “Carlotta” paid a visit to the coast of Oaxaca and left some critical damage to the San Agustín Church Palapa Church.  The full force of this Pacific storm washed away some of the foundation of the shelter and restroom building, and has left some unstable ground for us to address now.  Damian talked with me just today and we decided this is their most urgent need: to construct a retaining wall of cement and boulders to re-secure the boundary of the palapa as soon as possible, before any more erosion occurs. The Church members are working on a plan, but as a limited income group, they could use our help to hire a bulldozer and get the cement work done.  All gifts designated for Damian’s “Nehemiah Project” will go for this urgent need.