Sunday, December 16, 2012

Coyul December 2012 Family Cruade

  This last week Agape Missions put on a Family Life Crusade in El Coyul Huamelula, Oaxaca, Mexico. This was held in front of the Town Palacio where we also have our church services. This town has a notoriety for the seamier side of life. They are tired of the hopelessness of their lives. God laid it on Pastor Damian's heart to reach out to these people. He knew many of them from his own past life. These same people offered to help prepare the two "fatted calves" to feed all who attended. Mexican Bar-B-Que beef. Yummy They served over 500 meals over the two days. The presidente of the town, Ramirez Aramando Robles, introduced Damian and welcomed his team for the evening. There was a time of Worship, the children all joined in and sang and danced to a song that Damian's son Gonzales taught them. Then Gonzales sang three Christian Rap songs that he wrote and the teenagers loved the music. Two of our team members shared on the value of the family and Pastor Damian closed with a message of hope for their lives and an invitation to allow God to come live in their hearts and give them real peace in their lives. In the two nights 35 people came forward in front of their neighbors to dedicate their lives to Christ. That alone was a major step for them. Each one was given a Bible. The team will be there for these people as they meet twice a week to lead them in their new walk for God. Our mission started here three months ago. Damian asked me to thank all who prayed for this event and for the continued support for this work. He wishes all of you Blessings as we celebrate the Birth of God's son and that you have a blessed New Year.