Sunday, April 26, 2009

San Agustín Childrens Fiesta

Yesterday was an event this beach community will talk about for months to come I'm sure. What a day. Pastor Damian and his mission churches had worked many weeks to make sure this Fiesta went smoothly and it did.

I arrived early at the beach with the main speaker, Hermana Patti and with Pistachin the clown. We were blessed to have with us Armando Gutierrez and his wife Celia, the first pastors we commissioned in San Agustin. When we arrived, we found the music team from El Coyul setting up their stage and sound equipment, women setting up the food, a team of young people blowing up balloons etc.

Our team was later taken to Pastor Damian's brother's restaurant, where we were presented a fabulous dinner of fish including lobster, shrimps and much more. Later I took a short nap while the clown changed into his costume.

We got back to the event site, which is on the land we purchased a couple of years ago. I will meet with the architect in early May, who is helping design a beautiful palapa church for the site.

The music had started and included missionaries Ron and Sheri Jones serving in Puerto Escondido, who also have a family musical group. They brought with them a group of young people from YWAM. Kids from several different countries around the world including Colorado, Korea, Africa, Australia, Norway, England and some other countries. They did several skits in mime.

There were many church members from my early days in San Agustin. I got lots of hugs. The majority were new faces of families who had never attended any of our services. I feel it will be similar to what happened in El Coyul last month. In the days following the El Coyul event, many went to the pastors there and began to ask how they could receive Christ and we gave away about 30 Bibles. I need to pick up a couple of cases tomorrow while we are in Oaxaca City. There are 24 Bibles to a case and each case cost us a little over $100 dollars.

The whole Fiesta went fast with animal balloons for the children, toys given out, Bar-B-Que beef with a pasta salad, ministry of music, and teachings of Patti and from the clown, the dramas etc.

Pray God will honor all our prayers and that many new families find Christ as their Savior and attend the mission. Pastor Damian is a pastor who visits door to door before services in this beach community.

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