Friday, December 30, 2011

So enjoyed going to one of our remote villages. Beautiful people who have fallen in love with our Lord, Jesus Christ  o Thursday Pastor Damian went with his personal family to the San Geronimo Zanica mission. Nohemi, one of the sisters of this mission had prepared a fancy meal and invited other church friends from other communities to celebrate her birthday. After the beautiful meal, Damian’s wife Rosa greeted everyone and Nohemi’s husband Paul gave some words of encouragement. Then they prayed for Nohemi. She was presented some gifts and Yami and Chalo sang. Pastor Damian preached and Chalo and Yami taught the children. It was a beautiful moment in which all sought and praised the Lord. The Holy Spirit touch hearts, and everyone danced, worshiping the Lord with all their heart. Damian and family took a birthday cake for the celebration and when the program was over they distributed food and clothing to the mission families. So enjoyed going to one of our remote villages. Beautiful people who have fallen in love with our Lord, Jesus Christ!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Merry Christmas from Agape Missions

This has been such a fantastic year for our ministry. God is moving in Oaxaca! I had the privilege of returning to Mexico the first of October for a short visit to many of our missions.
In Lachiguiri I arrived in time for their Gran Fiesta in the Town Center. On the last day of this event, the churches marched down the mountain Shouting JESUS, JESUS and singing with floats etc. It was awe inspiring. Most of the youth of Lachiguiri and the surrounding 16 villages are now born again Christians. WOW!!Pastor Nely led this event where they killed three cows to feed all the guest who came.
The next two days were sponsored by Pastor Pepe's church where our own Israel Lopez was the pastor when we first went to Lachiguiri to translate the Bible. They had two days of conferences. Attendance for both events was great.
Pastor Israel does need our prayer support as the doctors in Oaxaca City said, as a diabetic,  he is anemic and his kidneys are functioning at only 40%. God has provided some funds for his expensive medication. Israel thanks you for your prayers.
On our Coastal ministry, where Pastor Damian is the director, so much has happened in the last couple of months. New missions, Many Bibles given out, expanding of new missions, Youth events, Women's Prayer Warrior conferences, and we are already making plans for the upcoming ministry in the Spring with Children's Ministries and conferences for all our coastal ministries. I hope to take several teams down this coming year.
God protected pastor Damian when he had the back of one of our vehicles loaded with 15 road construction workers he was giving a ride. As they were slowly moving down a steep incline on the mountain the back tire came off the truck rolling down the mountain. God protected all. Earlier that day we had to have new brakes put on. I have a feeling the mechanic didn't get the tire back on securely.
Check out the post below for a short video Chalo, Pastor's son, put together of highlights from some of our recent events with the Children's  ministry, new missions, the Women's Prayer Warrior conferences etc.
If you would like to still give before the end of the year to help back this great move of God you can also give by clicking Donate today on PayPal. Our link had been broken and is fixed now. Be sure to wait until it shows your receipt or it hasn't finished the transaction. 
Thanks to people like you who believe in this ministry and are helping to spread the gospel.

Merry Christmas

Sheri Burk

Friday, December 2, 2011

Our Coastal Ministry

Here is a short glimpse of some of the activities in 2011 of our Coastal missions with Pastor Damian and his team. Our newest missions are deep in the Sub-tropical mountains off the coast of Oaxaca. This includes scenes from 10 of the missions, Children's activities, Youth workers and events, Our Women's Prayer Warriors, Bibles given out, individual ministry etc. 4.30 min.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Pastor Damian and his family take a needed vacation

Pastor Damian and his family finally were able to take a long needed vacation.
They decided to take their son Chalo and Damian's helper to Oaxaca to enter a Bible School training program for the next six months.
So the whole family went and after getting the guys settled and attending church services at Cristo Por Su Mundo they headed into the City of Oaxaca (a tourist city) Some friends helped out with some of the expenses and some said they are sending funds to help with the nice hotel. Not the one in Chiapas as they went a different direction.
Today Pastor Damian sent some  photos with he, wife Rosa and their youngest children, Josue and Daniela. They went to a zoo and I see it looks like a lot of fun.

The whole family
    said to tell 
Gracias!! Gracias!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What is now happening at our Coastal ministry

Many of you are aware that Sheri has spent most of this last month in and out of hospitals with TIA's and a Stroke. God has been in the process of a healing of her body and she is regaining her ability to walk and use her right hand again. We give God the Glory.
Much has been happening with the missions on the coast. God sent a group from a church in Oaxaca City to minister with a Youth Rally. 

Over 50 youth came for the weekend. Two  were baptized that Sunday.

When that group left another group of 20 Mexican young people from "Cristo por su Mundo" came to hold a four day Daily Vacation Bible School. Because Sheri was sick she didn't know in advance so we could help defray the cost of feeding all these groups, providing drinking water and housing. Also last month Agape's funds for the mission work dropped drastically.

This coming weekend, Damian's son Chalo who has been helping his dad with the ministry and Damian's young sidekick Darwin will head to Oaxaca to spend six months in an extensive Bible training course so they can better work with the mission in the ministry.

This leaves Damian with very few workers with the 12 missions and prison ministry he has under his care. 
But God has sent two young menJUAN ALBERTO and VÍCTOR JESUS, who both graduated from Foundation for His Ministry in Baja California to work with Damian for one year. Our own Garett Jackson was director of this Bible College for a couple of years before he came to Oaxaca and now is serving as director of our Bible College for Pastors in Lachiguiri. So they have had excellent training to help the mission work.
We are so thankful for these two men. But they are depending on Pastor Damian to feed and house them during their stay, so they can be available daily for ministering with Damian at the different missions.  

A couple of  the missions do pay for their mission's basic needs such as lights etc but most of the missions are in villages of extremely poor families. None of the missions has funds to help with Pastor Damian's salary for his family. It has been very rough on them as he has so little time to work a secular job and still maintain the missions. God has preformed many miracles but it is becoming a strain for him physically and hard on the family. 

Please hold up Damian and these two helpers, Juan and Victor that God will give them wisdom as they work for the Kingdom.

One special need on Sheri's heart is for Pastor Damian and his wife Rosa to be able to take a couple days vacation next week before school starts for their youngest son Che-che. They had planned to go for a couple of days after the Children's fiesta earlier in the year but Pastor Damian became very sick and they weren't able to go. 

Possibly some of you will send a little extra for this needed vacation time for the family. You can give by sending a special offering designed for them to Agape or even give through the Agape Webpage by clicking here on Donations. This is a secure PayPal account where you can use your Visa or Master Card

Thank you so much for your help in this ministry where God is bringing many new people to Himself through Pastor Damian's faithful ministry.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bible Study of Book of Romans

In our mission of San Agustin, some leaders from “Cristo Por Su Mundo” have come to help us teach a study on the Book of Romans. In truth this has been a wonderful blessing with this study. This will help the believers to grow strong in the Lord. They are also teaching this course in our La Cruzacita main church. This has freed Pastor Damian to go to the mountains to work with the new missions there.
 Damian’s son Chalo desires to return to Oaxaca and take another class in Evangelism, so he can be of more help to his dad in the many ministries God has given them.
Monday morning Pastor Damian called needing additional funds to buy even more Bibles for the Copalita mission, where he is teaching a new believers class in the afternoon.  He returns Tuesday to the mountains and more Bibles are needed there. Plus he needed gas money for the truck.

 I had to inform him there wasn’t sufficient money to send him yesterday but I said to him, "let’s pray and if God desires you to proceed,  He will send the money, today." I told him to call me back later even though he was already in the town where he can purchase the Bibles. So we prayed. Then I had to leave it up to the Lord to supply.

Well, only a short time elapsed when our gal, who deposits the checks that come in for Agape Missions, called to say she was making a deposit. Oh my, That helped cover the cost and other needs to. Isn’t God good!! I called Damian while he was still in that area and he was extremely happy to see how God handles our needs in His way and His timing…

It’s easy to get caught up in today’s economic panic but “They that wait upon the Lord” well… He takes care of. Sometimes I’m just amazed but I shouldn’t be as He has never, never failed to take care of the needs. Yes we have had to cut way back but not where it counts the most. 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Mission San Francisco Loxicha

Dear Brothers and sisters,

This is one of my reports of the last two weeks that we made into the mountains. We came to San Francisco Loxicha. This is a beautiful work here and we had a wonderful time with God, preaching the Kingdom of God and praying for all that were sick and suffering.
We prayed for a lady called Petra, that had a strong hemorrhage but thanks be to God she is now healed.  This lady of forty five years was the helper to the Catholic priest in this pueblo for many years. Thanks to God for the miracle of her healing, for now all of her family have accepted Christ as their Savior.

We also prayed for the daughter of Petra who has an open wound on her foot. We believe that she will soon be healed. She also has found Christ.

Your friend and brother, Damian Cruz

Monday, May 2, 2011

Our Coastal Mountain Ministry

Damian finally has recovered from severe fever and congestion, so he headed up to the mountains to visit some of the new people who have recently accepted Christ.

He went up in our little purple Volkswagen laden with extra toys some friends donated from California for the Children's Fiesta. These remote poor kids never get toys so they were very excited.

These villages are six hours from Huatulco so using the "Bug" saves a lot on gasoline.

More important Damian had more Bibles to give to those who can read. They are so eager to learn more about Jesus. Damian spends his time to teach and pray for each family. He is so glad to be feeling better so he can head up the mountain to be with these new converts and minister to each of them. He asked us each to pray for the grandparents pictured here who needs healing in their bodies. His name is Patrick and her name is Cecelia.

It is because of your prayers and support he is able to minister to so many people, even far up into the remote village mountains.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Annual Children's Fiesta in San Agustín

I have talked with Pastor Damian almost daily since the Children's Fiesta and he reported that it was a great event with many accepting Jesus as their personal Savior. He has been resting since the fiesta as he came down with a serious cough and fever and did rest for several days. I think he had to be tied to his bed though. I have posted a slide show on the Projects page under Special Events. You will enjoy seeing the action of the two days. Thanks to all of you who helped with support of these special two days. I'm sure we will soon have testimonies of what God is doing now in the lives of those who attended.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Needed Bibles Received!!

Earlier this month we shared with you that the three new missions needed Bibles as all were new Christians. No one owned a Bible. We asked for 43. We bought 25 Bibles but still needed more. But  there were now 14 newer converts also hungry to learn more about what the Bible was saying to them. This has made a total of fifty seven new converts this month just in these three new villages.

A wonderful Mexican family living here in Huatulco bought eight more and then another missionary friend in Oaxaca City used our new Pay Pal service to buy the balance. Now the new converts in the Rio Granada, San Martin and San Isidro villages will all have new Bibles this weekend.

Pastor Damian has reported they keep him going very late asking questions as he shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He wants to teach them about God's powerful living Word and how Jesus wants to live in their lives helping them to know the joy of living a Christian life.

 Also while I was in Lachiguiri last week, one of the pastors came by asking for five Bibles for new teenagers who had recently accepted Christ into their hearts.

Thanks to those who were led to give this time for Bibles.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Annual Family Fiesta

It is almost that time again for the third Grand Fiesta on the beach of San Agustín. Last year this event resulted in the starting of one new mission church in El Arenal where we built a open palapa church. It is one of our fastest growing missions. Also the church at San Agustín has grown and is a strong work. 

Pastor Damian feels that this year there will be twice the people come who came last year. The same group from Cristo Por Su Mundo will be there to minister to the people and the children. The fiesta is scheduled for April 16 and 17. 

This is also the time in Mexico to celebrate Children of Mexico. When you have a fiesta for children, the whole family comes. Mom’s, Dad’s, Grandparents, older siblings, Aunts and Uncles, etc. It is a fun time with many activities but with the focus of the Gospel where we present Jesus our Savior to the people. 

This is our major outreach program to these communities. 

Pastor Damian also wants to bring down from the mountains all the three new missions for the two day event. We hope to have Bibles for them when we see Garett this coming week.

I will be posting in the following days all that we need to do to prepare for this event. To start we need supporters to join us in a covering of prayer. There are new Spiritual attacks coming against those who are presenting the Gospel in this area. Let us know if you are willing to be a part of the Prayer team.You can go to the How can I help button on our web page at Get Involved to see the needs of this event.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Need Bibles

Met with Pastor Damian yesterday. He said there are 43 adults who are coming to one of the three new missions each week all needing Bibles. Our cost is 5.00 dollars per Bible and Garett can bring them to us a week from tomorrow. If God should lay it on your heart to help with Bibles let us know. I would love to order 2 cases which is 48 Bibles.

Damian's going to provide more photos right away, will post asap.

If you would like to donate on line you can click on the Donate today shown below.
Donate Today

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Three New Missions Opened

     This last weekend Pastor Damian with a small team went into an area where he had been known before becoming a Christian. After seeing his life change when he visited the area  last year, they invited him to come and start a church for them. It turned out that three communities desire a church. He had gone and ministered in one of their homes several months back where God preformed some miracles.

These three communities, Rio Granada, San Martin and San Isidro,  are in the mountains of San Agustin Loxicha, Oaxaca. They are very open to the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

All of the people who attended the meetings this last week received Christ in their hearts. These were not people coming from other churches.
Damian will be spending the next few weeks along with a young family man who he has trained, using our village Bible School audio courses over the last two years, to work as a pastor, in order to establish these new converts.

All of these new converts need Bibles. Pastor Damian is asking for 50 Bibles. These Bibles cost us about $5.00 each that we get in Oaxaca City, including transportation.  You can now go to our web page and donate online. Click on this link for a secure and safe way to donate Donation for Bibles
In the comment field you can specify Bibles and the amount of Bibles you wish to donate.

Pastor Damian thanks you from the bottom of his heart

Monday, January 24, 2011

Baptismal Jan 21 2010

Here are photos from the latest baptismal in the Copilita river of Huatulco as a result of the recent Youth Impact Event held in October.