Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Pastor Damian and his family take a needed vacation

Pastor Damian and his family finally were able to take a long needed vacation.
They decided to take their son Chalo and Damian's helper to Oaxaca to enter a Bible School training program for the next six months.
So the whole family went and after getting the guys settled and attending church services at Cristo Por Su Mundo they headed into the City of Oaxaca (a tourist city) Some friends helped out with some of the expenses and some said they are sending funds to help with the nice hotel. Not the one in Chiapas as they went a different direction.
Today Pastor Damian sent some  photos with he, wife Rosa and their youngest children, Josue and Daniela. They went to a zoo and I see it looks like a lot of fun.

The whole family
    said to tell 
Gracias!! Gracias!!

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