Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Pastor Damian and his family take a needed vacation

Pastor Damian and his family finally were able to take a long needed vacation.
They decided to take their son Chalo and Damian's helper to Oaxaca to enter a Bible School training program for the next six months.
So the whole family went and after getting the guys settled and attending church services at Cristo Por Su Mundo they headed into the City of Oaxaca (a tourist city) Some friends helped out with some of the expenses and some said they are sending funds to help with the nice hotel. Not the one in Chiapas as they went a different direction.
Today Pastor Damian sent some  photos with he, wife Rosa and their youngest children, Josue and Daniela. They went to a zoo and I see it looks like a lot of fun.

The whole family
    said to tell 
Gracias!! Gracias!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What is now happening at our Coastal ministry

Many of you are aware that Sheri has spent most of this last month in and out of hospitals with TIA's and a Stroke. God has been in the process of a healing of her body and she is regaining her ability to walk and use her right hand again. We give God the Glory.
Much has been happening with the missions on the coast. God sent a group from a church in Oaxaca City to minister with a Youth Rally. 

Over 50 youth came for the weekend. Two  were baptized that Sunday.

When that group left another group of 20 Mexican young people from "Cristo por su Mundo" came to hold a four day Daily Vacation Bible School. Because Sheri was sick she didn't know in advance so we could help defray the cost of feeding all these groups, providing drinking water and housing. Also last month Agape's funds for the mission work dropped drastically.

This coming weekend, Damian's son Chalo who has been helping his dad with the ministry and Damian's young sidekick Darwin will head to Oaxaca to spend six months in an extensive Bible training course so they can better work with the mission in the ministry.

This leaves Damian with very few workers with the 12 missions and prison ministry he has under his care. 
But God has sent two young menJUAN ALBERTO and VÍCTOR JESUS, who both graduated from Foundation for His Ministry in Baja California to work with Damian for one year. Our own Garett Jackson was director of this Bible College for a couple of years before he came to Oaxaca and now is serving as director of our Bible College for Pastors in Lachiguiri. So they have had excellent training to help the mission work.
We are so thankful for these two men. But they are depending on Pastor Damian to feed and house them during their stay, so they can be available daily for ministering with Damian at the different missions.  

A couple of  the missions do pay for their mission's basic needs such as lights etc but most of the missions are in villages of extremely poor families. None of the missions has funds to help with Pastor Damian's salary for his family. It has been very rough on them as he has so little time to work a secular job and still maintain the missions. God has preformed many miracles but it is becoming a strain for him physically and hard on the family. 

Please hold up Damian and these two helpers, Juan and Victor that God will give them wisdom as they work for the Kingdom.

One special need on Sheri's heart is for Pastor Damian and his wife Rosa to be able to take a couple days vacation next week before school starts for their youngest son Che-che. They had planned to go for a couple of days after the Children's fiesta earlier in the year but Pastor Damian became very sick and they weren't able to go. 

Possibly some of you will send a little extra for this needed vacation time for the family. You can give by sending a special offering designed for them to Agape or even give through the Agape Webpage by clicking here on Donations. This is a secure PayPal account where you can use your Visa or Master Card

Thank you so much for your help in this ministry where God is bringing many new people to Himself through Pastor Damian's faithful ministry.