Thursday, September 26, 2013

Gathering of dispensary 

Villagers walking to Xanica
Unloading truck

As you have watched the news lately I'm sure you are aware of how Mexico has been hit by the effects of several hurricanes at the same time that have come from both the Atlantic and the Pacific coast and so many towns are not able to get out to buy food etc. Yes the government has made drops in some of these areas but many of our own missions still do not have food.

Damian has received some funds to give food to four of our Oaxaca mission villages. Word got out to three of these villages because he couldn't get to them and the people came either walking, an hour or more, or by mule to receive our help. 
Team members handing out food

Villagers waiting for food

Pastor Damian handing out cornmeal for tortillas
When the people came to receive, two new people found Christ as their personal Savior. When we obey the words in Matt. 25:35-46 God will use this to bring people to Himself.

Damian leaves tomorrow to head back to five more of our mission villages to distribute food who have no way to receive help. I am asking any of you who would be willing to help to go to the Donate today logo and give what God puts on your heart so we can meet this emergency. You don't have to have a Paypal account to give. It is secure. This way we will know how much is coming in immediately and not have to wait for a check to reach Arizona and be processed. After you put in your gift a screen will come up and you can designate your giving to go to the Oaxaca villages or just say Pastor Damian so it goes to the correct disaster relief. This isn't very clear on the donate page but you can add it at the end.

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