Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 Go Forward

WOW. Here it is already 2014. This year, more than ever, I plan to start each day with my daily routine since 1986… Grab a cup of Lachiguiri coffee, my newest Inductive Study Bible and communicate my intimate relationship with Abba Father. For sure I will need all the guidance He is willing to share with me daily.
I recently posted on my Facebook page this thought: “Don’t get ahead of God. STOP! LISTEN! Listen to His guidance as He speaks through the Holy Spirit His plan each day.”
January 19th I fly out of Montrose, Colorado at 6am, passing through Denver, Houston, Mexico City and on to Oaxaca City Mexico. From there I take an allnight, First Class bus to Huatulco, arriving about 8am on the 20th. Hopefully I will be able to sleep well as they have nice spacious reclining seats.
Our team members Pastor Lee Shaw of Chino Valley Family Church in Arizona and his father, Tom Shaw, a missionary who recently retired from serving in Honduras will arrive about 2:30pm on the 20th. They want to know Pastor Damian and his ministry, especially in the areas that are unreached villages to the gospel.  
We will visit several of these remote villages where Pastor Damian has started about 18 new missions. On Friday the 24th we will join the mission churches in a Baptismal in San Agustin where at least 21 people from our various missions want to be baptized. We seem to average about 20 who wish to be baptized every two months.
At this event we will also be ordaining Damian as Missionary Director over our Agape Coastal Missions. We will be discussing how to set up a school to train intern pastors for our many missions. This has been the Shaw’s main focus. They would also like to share with us other ways we can help these communities earn a living as most of these villagers are extremely poor with no real income to take care of their own families.
Also I want to give you a brief update on Pastor Israel of Lachiguiri. Last week I was able to talk directly with him and his wife Virginia. They received the funds we sent down and he did have the transfusion. It had to be paid for in advance. Then when he was released he stayed at his sister’s house in Salina Cruz while Virginia returned to their home to sterilize everything as they then planned to start dialysis. For some reason that didn’t happen as yet, He was feeling much better and returned to Lachiguiri until another date can be set. Not sure of the next step as I can’t reach Lachiguiri. All phone service is down except one phone downtown. I will keep trying. Garett Jackson, the director of our Bible conferences in Lachiguiri has planned to go there this coming Monday.
Agape Missions has been based on networking with other missions. Our funds are mostly through friends and churches who have supported our work over many years. God has always provided even when it has been hard for me physically to do much travel. You have faithfully supported this effort financially and your prayers. We so appreciate you.

Sheri Burk

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