Saturday, June 21, 2014

Veronica's Wedding in Lachiguiri

In the middle of April, God provided a buddy pass so i was able to fly down to Lachiguiri for a couple of events and also to help with Israel and Virginia's daughter,Veronica wedding that took place on the 3rd of May 2014.

First when I got to my house, I had time alone to go through many of my personal items and pack them away so it would be easier for Garett and his family to have space when they are in Lachiguiri.

After they arrived we headed to a couple of the missions deeper in the mountains for a couple of reunions celebrating their missions. One was held in La Loma Esperanza and the other was close to there. It was  so good to see so many friends in each area. The special speaker in La Loma Esperanza was an old friend, Alfredo from Vera Cruz Mexico.

Then we were back in Lachiguiri for Veronica's wedding.
Esteban, Virginia, Veronica, the groom and his parents

While there I started making plans to return about October so that I can hire speakers to help us record at least all of the Book of Luke. There are some from the village who want to help with this project. When we were way back in the villages for the reunions I was told there are still many people who do not speak any Spanish and need to be able to hear the scripture in their language.  I am looking forward to this time there.

Be in prayer with us for this project. I originally went to Mexico to translate the scriptures into the Lachiguiri Zapotec. There is a lot of details to be worked out.


Friday, March 28, 2014

Israel Lopez Co-Bible Translator in the Santiago Lachiguiri Zapotec

 Israel Lopez

10 Jan 1953-
22 Mar 2014

It was 26 years ago when I first went to Lachiguiri. Within a year I started working with Israel Lopez, at the time, a single pastor who dedicated his life to working with me on the translation of Luke and John. He then married Virginia and they have five children. Their son Esteban was born in my house in Arizona 18 years ago. 

His step mother gave her heart to the Lord as she heard the story of Jesus Calming the Sea in Zapotec at one of the Children's events we had there in Lachiguiri. Her husband asked how she understood this as she didn't speak Spanish. She told him that the story was in Zapotec. We later had her baptized shortly before she died. You can listen to this on our Media Page.

I told Israel when I was there in January he couldn't die yet as he hadn't finished recording the book of Luke and John. He told me that was a reason to live yet. But God must have someone else to do that job.

Then the Jackson's wrote me today:
Garett Jackson: When the news of Israel’s passing was announced over the village PA system, they played the recordings of Israel singing those hymns that he had translated into Zapotec.

Sheri Burk: Oh, Garett Jackson that touches my heart more than you will ever know. Maclovio, his father’s wife accepted Christ when she heard his recording of Jesus calming the sea only weeks before her passing. She did not speak any Spanish, only Zapotec. His work was not in vain!!
Stephanie and Garett Jackson who work with us in the Lachiguiri area shared the following:

We arrived by 9 p.m. Sunday night.   We were amazed at the huge crowd at the Lopez house. People filled the house and lined the street on both sides sitting on the curbs and standing in groups. The back bedroom had been cleared of beds and was the viewing room. People were sitting in chairs against the walls there singing or listening to someone sharing a message. There was a table at the head of the coffin with a money box. We saw many people come in and contribute. 

Garett and I were blessed to be able to share some songs for about an hour in this room. It was very hot and stuffy, but no one noted that. It was a beautiful time.
Next day more crowds. They, of course, were feeding everyone both these days. Oh! We had stopped by Angelina's (My favorite restaurant in the area) on the way to see if she knew. They said Angelina and Carlos were already in Lachiguiri. They had brought a ton of meat and veggies. Many people brought dispensas (beans, other food).  Pastor Jose Pepe gave some words. Garett shared and then he gave words from you. You were there in spirit. They knew.

Garett added to Sheri: everybody really really really missed u a lot.
With the coffin being carried in front and the mourners walking behind, we all made our way down to the graveyard. Jose Eli (Israel's brother) and Pastor Nellie sang lovely Christian songs. Someone shared a short message of hope 

Israel's daughter, Emma approached and sobbed, yelling out "Papito!" It was so sad. The coffin was lowered, flowers and possessions put in and then the cement poured.

 The next evening a group of us went down (walking) to the grave to show our respects. I was able to encourage them with the truth that Israel is not in the grave; he is in heaven. 

 Veronica shared about Israel how he was always very kind and patient, and that he got along with everyone.

What next?

Veronica is getting married on May 3rd and I, Sheri, feel I need to be there for the family. But I am out of funds for another trip down so soon. How can I go? I thought. Then this morning a brother called and says he has a way of getting me a huge discount to fly down. 

I feel that is God's way of telling me, YES Sheri I will make a way.

I had to share this about our friend and Co-Bible Translator with you all. 

We are having problems with our web page but as soon as it is working again I will put up photos and more on how God used Israel and I in getting the gospel of the Book of Luke and John into his peoples language. 

Sheri Burk

Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 Go Forward

WOW. Here it is already 2014. This year, more than ever, I plan to start each day with my daily routine since 1986… Grab a cup of Lachiguiri coffee, my newest Inductive Study Bible and communicate my intimate relationship with Abba Father. For sure I will need all the guidance He is willing to share with me daily.
I recently posted on my Facebook page this thought: “Don’t get ahead of God. STOP! LISTEN! Listen to His guidance as He speaks through the Holy Spirit His plan each day.”
January 19th I fly out of Montrose, Colorado at 6am, passing through Denver, Houston, Mexico City and on to Oaxaca City Mexico. From there I take an allnight, First Class bus to Huatulco, arriving about 8am on the 20th. Hopefully I will be able to sleep well as they have nice spacious reclining seats.
Our team members Pastor Lee Shaw of Chino Valley Family Church in Arizona and his father, Tom Shaw, a missionary who recently retired from serving in Honduras will arrive about 2:30pm on the 20th. They want to know Pastor Damian and his ministry, especially in the areas that are unreached villages to the gospel.  
We will visit several of these remote villages where Pastor Damian has started about 18 new missions. On Friday the 24th we will join the mission churches in a Baptismal in San Agustin where at least 21 people from our various missions want to be baptized. We seem to average about 20 who wish to be baptized every two months.
At this event we will also be ordaining Damian as Missionary Director over our Agape Coastal Missions. We will be discussing how to set up a school to train intern pastors for our many missions. This has been the Shaw’s main focus. They would also like to share with us other ways we can help these communities earn a living as most of these villagers are extremely poor with no real income to take care of their own families.
Also I want to give you a brief update on Pastor Israel of Lachiguiri. Last week I was able to talk directly with him and his wife Virginia. They received the funds we sent down and he did have the transfusion. It had to be paid for in advance. Then when he was released he stayed at his sister’s house in Salina Cruz while Virginia returned to their home to sterilize everything as they then planned to start dialysis. For some reason that didn’t happen as yet, He was feeling much better and returned to Lachiguiri until another date can be set. Not sure of the next step as I can’t reach Lachiguiri. All phone service is down except one phone downtown. I will keep trying. Garett Jackson, the director of our Bible conferences in Lachiguiri has planned to go there this coming Monday.
Agape Missions has been based on networking with other missions. Our funds are mostly through friends and churches who have supported our work over many years. God has always provided even when it has been hard for me physically to do much travel. You have faithfully supported this effort financially and your prayers. We so appreciate you.

Sheri Burk

Friday, December 20, 2013

Merry CHRISTmas
This fall Sheri traveled to several states to meet up with many friends, family and churches along the way. The years have passed so quickly. So many joys but also failures and illnesses. On this trip many prayed over her for complete healing. She is seeing healing starting in both her body and mind.

Our mission in Oaxaca is reporting great victories. Sheri will make a trip down to Oaxaca the end of January. Our board feels it is time to appoint Pastor Damian as Director and missionary to the unreached remote villages on the coast of Oaxaca. Pastor Damian,  asked us to thank you who are supporting the ministry God called him too. This ministry that God has given him is located in one of the unreached areas of Mexico. At least 15 of the missions under his direction had no other Christian church in their villages.
For instance just a few weeks ago, Raúl García from one of these villages asked Christ into his heart. This man led a very ugly life of violence and robbery. Raul’s change of life is a miracle that started when God gave him a new heart.

Another miracle is a mother of three children. She is 31 years old and has suffered many rapes, beatings and ill-treatment, but now her heart belongs to our beloved father. This is just a few of the miracles in the last couple of weeks. So our missionary Damian Cruz asked me to share with you, that without your prayers and financial support he and his team could not make the weekly trips, many hours deep into these areas going in four directions each day. They desire to continue to reach out with a lot of love for the lost, to extend the kingdom of God to these souls.

We at Agape Missions wish you a Merry Christmas and thank you very much for everything you have done for Mexico.

I, Sheri, have been thinking of how we can do something special for Damian and his family for this Christmas. If any of you feel led, let’s surprise Damian and Rosa with an extra token of our love so they can buy a few gifts for their family, especially the two youngest children for Christmas. It isn’t too late to make a contribution either through Paypal on our donate page or sending a check to the Colorado address on our donate page. If you prefer to mail a check let us know by email at how much to expect so we can send it down immediately. This isn’t exactly a need but a love offering to the family.

Have a wonderful celebration this Christmas of what God is doing in your life this season.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Sheri and Annie have gone full circle to Las Vegas NV. Annie flew home to Washington on Wednesday. What a wonderful adventure we had traveling around the Northwest USA meeting with friends, relatives and sharing is some churches about the mission.

Sheri planned to head out same day but got a call from Pastor Lee Shaw's wife in Arizona. Jacque told me her husband and his dad will be here in Las Vegas after their church service on Sunday and we will be discussing how we can do Webinar Bible School training for the remote pastors in our missions in Oaxaca. 

Lee's dad, Tom Shaw recently retired as a missionary to Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico and had Bible Schools especially for the remote pastors.

Garett Jackson is our director in Lachiguiri says he can monitor these classes also as he always likes having others help teach . Victor Jesus Flores who works with Pastor Damian is the teacher on our coastal missions.

 I am very excited about using this new media in Mexico to train new pastors.

Meanwhile Pastor Damian is driving to our many remote missions to bring in new members for another day of baptisms to be held at the beach mission of San Agustin. Today he is bringing down 10 people from one of the missions in the back of his small red pickup and there is heavy rain. Please pray for this trip. He brought another load down yesterday in pouring rain.

From June 2013 Baptism
It has only been a couple of months since the last baptism when 20 new converts were baptized. Another 25 plan to be baptized this Sunday. A day of celebration. God is moving in Oaxaca!!

Monday afternoon after the meeting with the Shaws, I will start driving back to Colorado in my Minnie RV. No driver for this leg of my trip. Pray God will be with me and that the weather is safe for traveling over a few mountain passes.

We need prayer partners to help pray for me (Sheri) and the mission that God has used me to work in over the last 25 years. He also sent many other teams to network with us.

 I sometimes don't understand why God chose me for this mission but He does have a plan for each of us. I've made many mistakes along the way but thank God it is His work and I am only a tiny part of who He chose for this task.

I am also grateful for the many partners who have helped through prayer, short term mission projects and the financial support. Several of our main supporters have died in the last couple of months so we are in dire need of others to take their place. You can click on the Donate logo on our webpage agape Projects donation page. You can use Paypal to help today. Be sure to mark it for the Oaxaca ministry that you can write in.

All for His glory,

Sheri Burk

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Gathering of dispensary 

Villagers walking to Xanica
Unloading truck

As you have watched the news lately I'm sure you are aware of how Mexico has been hit by the effects of several hurricanes at the same time that have come from both the Atlantic and the Pacific coast and so many towns are not able to get out to buy food etc. Yes the government has made drops in some of these areas but many of our own missions still do not have food.

Damian has received some funds to give food to four of our Oaxaca mission villages. Word got out to three of these villages because he couldn't get to them and the people came either walking, an hour or more, or by mule to receive our help. 
Team members handing out food

Villagers waiting for food

Pastor Damian handing out cornmeal for tortillas
When the people came to receive, two new people found Christ as their personal Savior. When we obey the words in Matt. 25:35-46 God will use this to bring people to Himself.

Damian leaves tomorrow to head back to five more of our mission villages to distribute food who have no way to receive help. I am asking any of you who would be willing to help to go to the Donate today logo and give what God puts on your heart so we can meet this emergency. You don't have to have a Paypal account to give. It is secure. This way we will know how much is coming in immediately and not have to wait for a check to reach Arizona and be processed. After you put in your gift a screen will come up and you can designate your giving to go to the Oaxaca villages or just say Pastor Damian so it goes to the correct disaster relief. This isn't very clear on the donate page but you can add it at the end.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Sheri is On The Road Again!

I will try to make this somewhat short. Can Sheri really do that? I'll try. 
 Since I last sent an update I met my daughter and her husband in Grand Junction and she helped me drive to Las Vegas, NV for a small family reunion. Then I stayed a couple of extra days to pick up my friend Annie who has been to Oaxaca and we headed in my RV from there to Reno NV where we are right now. No we have stayed away from the casinos. I don't like anything to do with that life style. Plus I can't afford to lose even a roll of nickels. hehe 

 We are supposed to head up into Oregon tomorrow passing through part of our Federal Parks and enjoying our great USA. Have many friends in the Portland area and hope to see some of you around there. Some of you I haven't seen since you baby sat my kids years ago. Since I have the RV and a service dog we won't be a problem as we bring our hotel and restaurant with us. Please let me know if we can get together with some of you, for old time sake.  

​Later hope to stop and see a cousin in Eugene where I took some of my linguistic training to translate the Bible into an indigenous language and then over to Coos Bay to see my Aunt Betty and many friends between there and​ Myrtle Point. 

 Later will travel down I-5 to California. Hope to see friends in Redding, CA. Need to end up in Squaw Valley California on the 13th of October to share what is happening in Oaxaca Mexico and our ministry. From there maybe on to Bakersfield to see a friend from Oaxaca days and Hemet to see my boys and Great grandchildren before heading back to Colorado. 

I'm now living south of Grand Junction, a long ways from the flooding north of Denver where my daughter was born. Devastating for these who have lost loved ones and homes. Our prayers go out to so many. Sheri Burk